Caca Collard
A year in Barry recently met with Barry Fundraiser, Caca Collard. Caca is heading into her thirteenth year of fundraising for Breast Cancer Care. To date, with the help of family and an ever increasing circle of friends she has raised over £19,000 for the charity. Beginning in 2006 with a very modest Strawberry Afternoon Tea event in her home, raising around £200, the event has now grown to over 100 people attending on the day, where a huge raffle, games and an auction takes place. However, it has become a year-long effort to collect quality freebies via Social Media, including teddies, bric a brac and toys for sale as well as asking businesses throughout the year for their support by means of a donation to the raffle or auction. In previous years they have been gifted things such as a mountain bike, a week’s long Hot Tub hire, gift vouchers and similar items, which all do their bit in raising vital funds. Carolyn says that they were incredibly lucky in 2016 to work closely with FILCO, Llantwit Major to become their chosen charity and were gifted a donation of £500 which massively boosted their funds. In 2017 Lloyds Bank, Barry Docks Branch donated £500 through their Match Funding process.'Caca’s Strawberry Teas' now also hosts a second annual event in the form of a Strawberry themed Ball in the Autumn and multiple opportunities to join in game s and giveaways through the year via their Facebook page.
The main event, the Annual Strawberry Tea is a ticketed function held in Caca’s garden, it encourages friends to get together, share a delicious tea, participate in a number games including BINGO and with various stalls on the day, the main fundraising moments being the big raffle, the even bigger auction and the bric a brac sale. Caca is looking for generous crafters, small or big businesses to donate a little something to help on her way, Caca’s Strawberry Teas' philosophy is ‘A little from a lot goes a long way’ and this event really is about people coming together, celebrating what’s good in our town and giving something back. Donating just a little something, perhaps a gift voucher for your services, be it a beauty treatment, a gardening service, a hair cut, a cake or a meal, or something else entirely is a great way to reach perhaps a new audience for local businesses but also that sense of pride in the bigger fundraising picture, Caca would be so grateful for your support.
Breast Cancer Care is the only charity who provide face to face support upon diagnosis for the whole family, they provide practical workshops, mentoring opportunities and one to one support for those facing the Breast Cancer fight.