David Elliott
Today I Visited Mr David Elliott of TL Computer Systems, Holton Road. A business that has been established in Barry for 21 years being founded by David in 1996. The company provides sales & support of IT equipment as well as servicing computers for home and business use. To assist David in the day-to-day running of the business are Julie Thorne, who has been an employee for the past 19 years, and Simon Wheeler-Adams, employed for the past 17 years. David is also the Chairman of the 'Holton Road Traders' a mantle that he took on 6 months ago. David along with Rachael Williams (Marshall Butchers) have organised the 'Party in The Square' which will take place on the 23rd September at Kings Square. The event will provide live music, 6 local bands will be attending. Also there will food stalls, face painting, entertainment for children and Acoustics being played in the Library. It is a credit to David and his Staff that his business has sustained a success and longevity in Holton Road, when so many others have come and gone. A Year in Barry wishes David and his staff another 21 years of success.