Mason Jones
Today I had the privilege of meeting one of the most courageous children that I have Met. Mason Jones is a 10 yr old boy who was born with Trisomy 21 also known as Down syndrome. At birth he was diagnosed with severe heart problems and his parents were informed that he would need to undergo emergency Open Heart surgery. Mason's condition meant that he developed pneumonia and spent weeks in Intensive Care before undergoing his first open heart surgery at 4 months old. Mason spent a month recovering hospital before being allowed home. Mason's progress seemed amazing until he became unwell again. Once again he found himself back in hospital suffering with pneumonia and was placed in intensive Care for two weeks. Mason pulled through and over the years seemed to become stable with his condition. He started school at Jenner Park where his progress was slow but steady. However his parents noticed that Mason was becoming breathless, and tired. He was subsequently referred back to the Cardiologist at UHW and it was discovered that Mason had a leaking heart valve. At 4 years old Mason underwent his second Open Heart surgery to repair the valve. Again Mason pulled through and recovered well. For most of his young life Mason has been in and out of hospital with numerous health problems ranging from lung problems to bowel problems, loss of hearing, visually impaired and hair loss resulting from his medication. Despite all this Mason has battled on and takes all this in his stride. He has been a Mascot for Aberavon FC and the Scarletts RFC. 5 weeks ago Mason underwent Open Heart surgery for a third time, he was in theatre for 10 hours having a mechanical valve replacement. Again Mason has pulled through, but if further surgery is required it would be along the lines of a complete heart transplant. Mason's little sister Chelsea-Mae has been amazing towards him, she comforts him and supports him making the parents so proud of them both. His mother Samantha Fry-Fowler works at Cocoa on Broadstreet and they have raised money to help Mason secure his dream of going to Disney Land. I'm sure everyone will send this child nothing but love, he has been through so much and yet remains a smiling happy little boy.