Home Education Barry
A year in Barry this morning visited the Colcot Community Centre. HEB are Home Education Barry, they are all home educators in and around Barry that meet every Monday 11am - 3pm at Colcot Community Centre. They offer support and friendship to those thinking about home education and to those that home ed. Today they celebrated the end of their first year with a Christmas party and a visit from Santa. Instead of Santa giving the children gifts they gave 'Your Santa' gifts for the children of Ty Hafan. They raised £156 on their Christmas raffle and would like to thank all those that donated raffle prizes, Including Quasar Barry, Coconuts, Tan y Hyde, Coffee Bay no.5, Supa Jump, Planet Gymnastics, Kelly Wick, Jo's Beauty, Lilbits, KidiPics.com and everyone that helped. All proceeds help pay towards the hire of the hall and learning resources for their group. If your thinking about home education and would like any help or support, you are more than welcome to pop along and say hi or email he.barry@yahoo.com