Laura Mellens
Today I visited the home of Laura Mellens, who contacted me to specifically thank the people of Barry for their support and help with her daughter Blisse. Blisse aged 8 was born with a rare brain disorder periventricular nodular hetertopia, Polymicrogyria and Partial agensis of corpus collosum.
This have caused global developmental delays and epilepsy. She doesn't have a safe swallow so is nil by mouth and has a peg. They didn't know Blisse had anything wrong until her first seizure at 4 months old. To be told your child was so poorly, and to take each week as it comes was the most heart breaking news they could imagine. Her older sister Nevaeh, had to adapt to the new 'normal' which put huge pressure on the family. Blisse was then referred to Ty Hafan hospice for family support.
Eight years later Blisse is defying all the odds given to her. She loves to roll, and her favourite thing in the world is a fake sneeze! Laura says "that she has the strongest spirit I know. She's determined, cheeky and so happy with the most infectious smile. She's taught us such an important lesson, to never take anything for granted. Make the most of each day and to enjoy the simplest thing's."
Due to her complex needs she requires specialist equipment. The people of Barry have helped over the last 8 year's to enable Blisse the best quality of life. They have fundraised for sensory lights which keep her calm, eye gaze, specialist chairs, toys that you can only get from America which require the slightest touch as she struggles to use her hands.
Barry Round Table, Martin's slimming world groups in buttrills hall, The Jam fund, lyndsey & Nicki Ellis and just local friend's and family are just a few that have helped them over the year's with many more as well. Laura says "that without the help of all these wonderful people my little girl wouldn't be as happy as she is. She relies on these peices of equipment everyday. Thank you never seems enough for what people of Barry have done in helping our family, but again thank you from the bottom of our heart's." A Year in Barry thanks Laura and her family for allowing us to be part of her story.